‘House on a table’ by soojin hyun
- Interior Design
- Customisable work space, house on a table, Interior in the office, Soojin Hyun, working from home
- October 6, 2020
Ever wanted a mini home? Check out the house on the table design which was designed by soojin hyun who is a Korean designer. Based in the united states of america, and studied in eindhoven germany, this eclectic mix of places comes out in Hyun’s work. This house on a table design was designed for Milan’s design week. Check out the link https://www.designboom.com/design/house-on-a-table-by-soojin-hyun/
Soojin Hyun
The design idea for this house on a table was exactly how the name suggests. A mini house in the office. Imagine having the privacy of your own home in the office environment? Well this design literally has it all , plus personalisation elements so you can customise the house to your own liking and design. You could even make it look like distressed furniture . to add to this the house includes a door and display sits on your current work desk, so there would be little to no change to your current working environment.

house on a table
I think the only issue for me would be the lack of natural light in the office space, because there is a roof, there is a lack of any natural light, and some spotlighting is installed instead, but still natural light is proven to improve work environments . But apart from this I think it is a super fun idea, and one that could be explored especially in the time of social distancing .
Interior in the office
The interior includes shelving, as well as a vaulted ceiling so the user can stand up in it, as well as windows and walls and a door. I must also ask the question of how accessible is it really? Because of the door, it looks as if you need to duck in order to get into the door, which is not overly accessible. Also it looks as if a wheelchair user would not be able to use this house on a table. So obviously there could be issues raised and it is just a matter of ironing out the tweaks . but if we take this as a design prototype, and more of an exercise of how people can use their creativity, it’s great.

shelving and windows
To add to this, working in an office is not ideal; the noise, as well as distraction so that it impacts on work and productivity. So this housing might not be ideal, but it will add an element of privacy and your own workspace.
Customisable work space
Check out the different options that you can mix and match between rooves, wall shapes and types that can allow more flexibility and personalization options. As well as this there are shelving, and walls as well as a better office vibe. I know that such a lack of regular customisation work space can be an issue because employees can feel like they are not settled into their environment and therefore not produce as good quality work. This being said, this way of working would bring back some of the fun of office working and collaborative workspace as well as the fact you can design your workspace is very liberating!
There are quite a few different versions of custom work spaces you can own at work or at home. If you are looking for something like this you may want to consider the way you work best as well as ease of use. Take for example, if you wish to prioritise your health, there are plenty of options to do just this.
Treadmill desk – you can have a treadmill desk and get used to actively walking or running! in your hours of working. this may not be for everyone. You have to get into it and learn the art of walking while steadily pressing the keys, but once you have gotten the hang of it it reality is the way forward! that and it is a super way to get those poor muscles engaged and blood flowing which is difficult if you are sitting at your desk for hours on end. To add to this, if you dont want to walk but you do wish to engage your core a good way to do this is to get a bounce ball to sit on. This very much engages the core muscles as well as helps to lengthen the spine. which is of course great. In a world where we do not move enough, these solutions are very much helping us with out own little space in the world of work.