Knauf Plasterboard | Knauf Drywall
- chinese drywall
- knauf plasterboard
- December 20, 2019
Origin of Knauf Plasterboard
Knuaf plasterboard is name after the company that manufactures the defective drywall. Knauf is a drywall manufacturer in China that exported enough Knauf plasterboard to build 100,000 homes. This plasterboard appears to be centered around the coastal ports into which it arrived. Many of the cases of Knauf plasterboard are located in Florida, around the port of Miami. Other concentrations are in Virginia Beach and the Gulf Coast of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The Gulf coast area appears to have been a two-fold victim. The hurricanes that caused dramatic destruction throughout the region also caused a shortage of building materials. In order to repair buildings that had been damaged, Knauf plasterboard was imported to replace domestic drywall that was in short supply. The building supply shortages were witnessed throughout the country and Chinese drywall has been reported in more than 40 states. The majority of the cases involve homes built between 2001 and 2008.
Drywall manufacturer Knauf has been widely linked to the Chinese drywall problem. The fact that Knauf has been linked as a manufacturer, however, does not exclude other companies. There are other companies, aside from Knauf, are involved.
Quick facts about Chinese wallboard:
* Chinese wallboard has been reportedly linked to a multitude of adverse health issues
* Officially linked to extensive corrosion and property damage
* Used largely between 2001 and 2008
* Majority of Chinese wallboard has been found Florida and the Gulf Coast